Tag Archives: moth

The relationship

We often disregard the relationship between species and it’s importance to each other in order to make living in harmony, or in a more technical term, in equilibrium. An ecological relationship is the relationship between organisms in an ecosystem with … Continue reading

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Erastria cruentaria

The wings of spring specimens are dull gray to brown, and straw yellow to olive-colored in summer specimens.  Antemedial and median lines complete or incomplete; postmedial line complete and sharply defined.  The apex of the forewing is somewhat recurved. Scientific Classification Kingdom: … Continue reading

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Satyrium sylvinus

Family: Gossamer-wing Butterflies (Lycaenidae) Subfamily: Hairstreaks (Theclinae) Identification: With or without tails. Upperside gray-brown or reddish with blue sheen; hindwing with small orange patch at lower edge. Female with yellowish tinge. Underside pale gray to white. Postmarginal band of small … Continue reading

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Cercyonis meadii

Let’s take a look at few identified moth species. Species identification solely depends on the physical characteristics and it’s behavioral on site. The above moth is identified as Cercyonis meadii. It is identified as having a chocolate-brown color, with a forewing … Continue reading

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Moths members of an insect order characterized by two pairs of large, scale-covered, membranous wings. Adults are additionally characterized by a pair of well-developed compound eyes, mouthparts consisting of a long, coiled, sucking tube, or proboscis, and prominent antennae. Approximately … Continue reading

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